FloatGrids Unity Package
FloatGrids UP (Current)
Bug fixes
- Sidebar panels use now the proper primitive prefab
Release date: 24/06/24
FloatGrids UP
New component
New features
UX Resources
- Canvas Placement component
- Panel Position Guidelines prefab
Release date: 23/03/24
FloatGrids UP 0.2.5
- New component: Badges
- New component: Empty state
- Added Figma Properties to some components
Logic changes:
- Templates are now Views
- Solid Surface colors are now called Surface instead of Grey
- Secondary color is now called Complementary
Release date: 4/03/24
FloatGrids UP 0.2.4
- Error with the Unity package. Some components were missing
FloatGrids UP 0.2.3
- Simpler color logic
- New Color Family: Secondary
- More corner radious: 0, 24, 26, 28 and 30 pixels
- New Text Style: Extra Large
- Color tool has been removed
- Panel position Component has been removed
FloatGrids UP 0.2.2
Bug fixes
- FG Color Palette tool: Changes are now visible in the scene right after clicking "Apply Changes".
- FG Panel Position Component: Sometimes it didn't follow the camera in runtime.
FloatGrids UP 0.2.1
Bug fixes
- Unity Editor 2020 compatibility
- Warning (EditorWindow.title.) when installing fixed.
FloatGrids UP 0.2
Bug fixes
- Error when installig: XR Interaction toolkit dependencies removed
- Error when installing: Slider fixed